You are five years late...

"You are five years late… If you could only have come earlier, many who have died would have been saved… Would have had the opportunity to hear the liberating message of how Jesus can set you absolutely free!" These penetrating words from a regional leader in Mozambique were spoken to Dr Raymond Lombard (Director of Wheels for God’s Word), Pastor Manning Thornton (Missionary Evangelist, Alabama, Birmingham, USA) and brother Francois Rauch (Transformation Engineer, Love Mozambique) in Quelimane in northern Mozambique. Francois Rauch of Love Mozambique invited Pastor Lombard and Pastor Thornton to undertake an outreach to Quelimane which is located in the north eastern part of the Zambezi Province in Mozambique.

The trip was long and dusty. Being held up by police at the Sena bridge because they thought the missionaries were "Al Queda suspects" (just because they had a sandwich close to the bridge!) – this was just one of the many obstacles they had to overcome during an amazing time reaching out to Muslims in the far north east of Mozambique. It all started when a young pastor, Pedro Redi asked Francois Rauch with tears in his eyes to plant a church in Quelimane and not to forget the Muslims of the area who desperately needed the Word and the Good News. Accordingly, when Pastor Lombard and Pastor Thornton declared their interest and willingness to undertake an outreach to Quelimane, it was truly an answer to prayer!


Practical evangelism in Quelimane using the Heart of Man chart.


Pastor Manning Thornton preaching a devotion to pastors and leaders during the training conference in Quelimane.

The purpose of the visit was to train pastors in the rural areas in evangelism and to equip them to do the work efficiently. Pastor Practical evangelism in Quelimane using the Heart of Man chart. Pastor Manning Thornton preaching a devotion to pastors and leaders during the training conference in Quelimane. Lombard’s main objective is to use the Heart of Man charts to train and equip every pastor – most of these men also receive a bicycle to get the job done quicker from village to village.

The missionaries had an amazing group of leaders from every group available in the rural areas. Leaders from other church groups also joined for the training. Pastor Manning Thornton shared devotions every morning and closed the day of training with wonderful teachings on the topic of evangelism everyday. The practical time sharing their faith via the Heart of man chart was simply amazing. Although threatened many times by many Muslims the conversations and space created to share showed many conversions of many Muslim people.God did awesome things! The gospel was proclaimed to approximately 1892 people, with about 412 conversions noted on the second day of training.

After the successful completion of their course, 42 pastors and leaders proudly took hold of their evangelism material. Moreover, 40 pastors received bicycles. 40 large Heart of Man charts, and 300 Heart of Man booklets were distributed to pastors and evangelists (English: 50; Shona: 50; Portuguese 200). Also, 48 Portuguese Bibles were distributed.


Francois Rauch going over some documentation with pastors and other leaders in Quelimane.


Pastors and evangelists receiving their bicycles and Heart of Man charts and literature. Ready to proclaim the Word!



Contact Information

Office: (021) 939 1898
Adri Theron (PA): 082 924 3657
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Address : 129 Fairfield North Street De Tijger, Parow, Cape Town