Zambia for Jesus

Wheels for God’s Word undertook an outreach to Lusaka, Zambia, from 23 May to 30 May 2010, by invitation of the national overseer of the Church of God in Zambia, Israel Simbaya. The training conference was conducted at Cathedral of Praise in Lusaka (Cathedral of Praise is a large Pentecostal congregation in Lusaka).

The training conference took place on Tuesday, 25 May, and Wednesday, 26 May. During the two days, approximately 42 pastors and evangelists were trained in how to use the Heart of Man chart. During the practical training session on Wednesday, 26 May, there was great excitement, since many souls were led to Christ as evangelism was done in the city of Lusaka.

The man who started 31 churches in 9 years

During the time of testimony on Wednesday morning, Dr Raymond Lombard was amazed to hear the testimony of Pastor Goodson Musonda, who is the overseer of the Luapula Province in Zambia. Pastor Goodson testified: “Nine years ago I received my Heart of Man chart after being trained how to use it [that was the first time Pastor Lombard trained with the Heart of Man chart in Zambia]. By the grace of God, I have started and planted 31 churches in Luapula Province in Zambia because of the use of the Heart of Man chart in evangelism and church planting.” Pastor Raymond was very surprised to learn that because of heavy rains some time ago, he lost his Heart of Man chart. Pastor Goodson was overjoyed to receive a new Heart of Man chart for the work of the Lord.


Pastor Lombard standing with Pastor Goodson, the man who planted 31 churches in Luapula Province after receiving a bicycle from Wheels for God’s Word nine years ago.


Five Conferences in Zambia
Wheels for God’s Word has now trained many pastors and evangelists in Zambia. The first was nine years ago in Lusaka. The second was in the south, at Sinazongwe on the Zambian side of Lake Kariba. A third conference was held outside Ndola in Masaiti (spelling) with great success.
A few years ago a fourth conference was held by Wheels for God’s Word in co-operation with Every Home for Christ, during which many bicycles were made available for the harvesters in Zambia.
With the most recent outreach in Lusaka (May 2010), a total of five conferences have been conducted in Zambia thus far. Over a period of nine years, more than 385 ministers have been trained in evangelism in Zambia.

Materials and Bicycles Distributed
During this last outreach, 50 large Heart of Man charts were distributed, as well as 50 pocket-size Heart of Man charts and 270 Heart of Man booklets (in the following languages: Bemba, Nyanja, Kikaonde, Lozi, Chitonga and English). Also, 80 Bibles were distributed, as well as copies of Pastor Raymond’s two books, Unlocking the Future and The Spiritual World. Moreover, 55 bicycles were distributed to needy pastors and evangelists for the work of the ministry. These bicycles were equally divided among the six provinces in Zambia, so that there may be an equal distribution of bicycles for needy pastors.



Contact Information

Office: (021) 939 1898
Adri Theron (PA): 082 924 3657
Email :
Address : 129 Fairfield North Street De Tijger, Parow, Cape Town